The aim of this joint research project (ISD - Leibniz Universität Hannover, ILK - TU Dresden) is to develop a profound understanding of the damage process during delamination growth in fibre-reinforced polymer laminates (FRP) based on existing inter fibre failures during cyclic loading with load reversals. By analysing and quantifying the relevant damage processes during loading, the influence of the level and direction of the applied load on delamination growth in FRP laminates is clarified. Based on the experimental work, detailed numerical simulations on a macro- and mesoscopic level are developed which allow a purposeful analysis of the delamination process in DCB- and ENF- as well as in laminate experiments. Thus, the delamination length-dependent analysis of the fracture modes, which cannot be implemented experimentally, is made possible. Consequently, it is analysed whether characteristic values determined by standardised crack propagation investigations (DCB, ENF etc.) can be transferred to embedded layers. In addition, the investigations provide extensive experimental results on the delamination process in FRP laminates under in-plane loading and thus create a basis for the development of suitable analytical and numerical models. It is investigated to what extent existing numerical damage models (e.g. cohesive zone approaches) allow reliable and efficient modelling of cyclic delamination growth and how the mesoscopic simulation results can be used for macroscopic simulations in terms of continuum mechanics.