
Journal Papers

  • C. Gerendt, A. Dean, T. Mahrholz, N. Englisch, S. Krause, R. Rolfes (2020): On the progressive fatigue failure of mechanical composite joints: Numerical simulation and experimental validationComposite Structures Volume 248, 15 September 2020, 112488
  • M. Brod, A. Dean, S. Scheffler, C. Gerendt, R. Rolfes (2020): Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Fatigue Damage in Cross-Ply CFRP Composites under Inhomogeneous Stress StatesComposites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 108050
  • C. Gerendt, A. Dean, T. Mahrholz, R. Rolfes (2019): On the progressive failure simulation and experimental validation of fiber metal laminate bolted jointsComposite Structures, Volume 229, 1 December 2019, 111368
    DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111368
  • C. Gerendt, A. Dean, T. Mahrholz, R. Rolfes (2019): On the progressive failure simulation and experimental validation of fiber metal laminate bolted jointsComposite Structures Volume 229, 1 December 2019, 111368


  • C. Gerendt, N. Englisch, E. Jansen, R. Rolfes (2018): Energy based fatigue damage analysis of CFRP-GFRP hybrid laminatesICFC 7 - the 7th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites, Vicenza, Italy (2018)
  • C. Gerendt, E. Jansen, R. Rolfes (2017): A FATIGUE DAMAGE MODEL FOR FIBER METAL LAMINATES INCLUDING FIBER/MATRIX DEGRADATION6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (COMPOSITES 2017), Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Ehrmann, Andreas; Gerendt, Christian; Rolfes, Raimund (2015): Model Calibration for the Soil-Structure-Interaction of an Offshore Wind Turbine Substructure with Suction BucketsExtended Abstract in Proceedings of 11th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe, Stuttgart


  • M. Brod, C. Gerendt, A. Dean, R. Rolfes (2019): Modeling and Simulation of Fatigue Damage behavior in Carbon Composites under Tension-Compression Load ReversalsCCeV-Thementag „Ermüdung und strukturelle Integrität von Composites“, St. Valentin, Austria
  • A. Dean, H. Madhusoodanan, C. Gerendt, M. Brod, E. Jansen & R. Rolfes (2018) (2018): Applications of a physically based fatigue damage model for composite and hybrid structures.FULLCOMP Workshop 2018, Bordeaux, France
  • C. Gerendt (2018): Fatigue Damage Modelling of Composites: Application to FML JointsIRTG PhD Winter School 2018, Bad Herrenalb (Germany)
  • R. Unger, C. Gerendt, B. Daum, E. Jansen, R. Rolfes, C. Ueing, N. Englisch, F. Sayer, W. Exner, T. Mahrholz, P. Lorsch, P. Wierach (2017): Lebensdauererhöhung und Leichtbauoptimierung durch nanomodifizierte und hybride Werkstoffsysteme im RotorblattHannover Messe, Forum Industrial Supply, 28. April 2017
  • Alexander D. Meurer, Christian Gerendt and Raimund Rolfes (2016): Identification of Essential Imperfection Patterns for Axially Compressed Composite Cylindrical ShellsECCOMAS Congress 2016